Bukit Batok West Scandinavian 4 Room BTO Interior Design (Singapore West) Embarking on their journey as a newly married couple in their first flat together, this young duo opted for a space-efficient and charmingly modern design inspired by Scandinavian aesthetics for...
Northshore Drive BTO Home Renovation & Modern Interior Design Concept (Singapore North East) In a cosy corner of the Northeast, this unique abode is home to a newly-wed young couple. With their home facing the coastal shoreline of the northern seas, our designers...
BTO Bukit Batok Home Renovation & Interior Design (Singapore West) The unique design of this home in the West is the use of geometric shapes and textures to create a contemporary and modern abode. Breaking up the otherwise monotonous white walls, creating...
4 Room BTO Alkaff Home Renovation (Singapore North East) We are pleased to introduce the latest renovation project by AP Concept, a 4 room BTO Alkaff Home Renovation. The vision that the couple wants is for a sleek, modern and spacious home. The use of glass and...
5 Room BTO Tampines Ave Home Renovation (Singapore East) AP Concept had the pleasure of designing this young family’s unique home in the East. Located in Tampines, the young couple and their newborn wanted a home that embodies East meets West, borrowing Japanese...